
Toddler Program


Five-day programs:
Toddler   :   Monday thru Friday from 9:00 am to 11:45am

Toddler and Daycare  :  Monday thru Friday from 07:00pm to 18:15pm

Toddlerhood is a time when children begin to develop relationships with others and develop a lifelong love of learning. This educational approach allows lots of direct hands on experience with people, with objects and events.

We provide endless opportunities for toddlers to learn and play in an inviting, age appropriate, and safe environment. We also encourage children to explore and discover while supporting their growing independence.

That’s why the toddler program at Lovely Sunshine Day-care and Preschool is designed around activity-based learning to encourage:

  • Active & Gross Motor Play: Rocking and riding toys and large climbing structures.
  • Fine Motor Play: Action/reaction toys, puzzles and stacking toys.
    Imagination & Quiet Play: Items to stimulate imagination like dolls and accessories, kitchen sets and play food.
  • Language Development, Music & Movement: CD players, children’s books, musical instruments and puppets.
  • Creative Arts & Exploration: Art materials, sand and water table, and sensory materials.


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